Sunday, 19 January 2014

Having looked at lots of photographs I came to the conclusion that despite carefully calculating the sizes from a 7mm drawing, the tender was too tall! so it has been taken apart and filed down by 1.5mm. A new floor had to be made, but it all went back together fine, it's just taken rather a lot of time!

I have used scrap white metal to fill the coal space, this will be covered with something more convincing later on. The added weight will hopefully help with current collection. I have a sheet of Archer's Rivets to give lots of surface detail. I can use the vacuum pipe from the original kit. I have etched brass brake shoes to add to the under frame.


  1. I've just come across this blog and I'm very impressed. I have also started modelling the FR in 5.5mm scale, although not to the same standard.

  2. Really nice to know someone has seen the blog at this early stage. I hope to use some of the material for an article in the 5.5 mm magazine some point soon in order to publicise the blog. I will be adding more entries in the next week hopefully. A Sewell
