Having taken over a hundred new photos of the village in the last week, I have gone back over the measurements. The original mock up of the houses are slightly too big so I am starting from scratch marking out on a sheet of Daler board. I placed a four foot walking pole in key photos for reference and this has allowed me to calculate levels and heights of walls. Buildings in 5.5 mm scale are pretty big!
Without exact architects drawings there is a lot of drawing and re drawing before the board is ready to cut. There are some complicated bits to resolve such as the eves of the roof as you can see in the top picture, with deep overhangs on the older houses and virtually none on the later ones. The road is only gradually climbing here but the end houses are entered by steps which creates an illusion that the road is steeper than it is. The bay windows and veranda's won't be seen from the front of the layout but are lovely features of houses in this area.
What has become apparent is that the road on the baseboard needs to be lowered by about 15mm which will need some fairly major surgery. The road levels are a compromise as I have omitted a whole row of houses to reduce the size of the model, this means that the gradient of the road has to be steeper than in real life.
This is the middle row of houses which will be shortened on the model.
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