The fluorescent lighting has been replaced with five daylight bulbs. The low voltage one gives a very good light but is much more expensive than the old style bulbs that can still be picked up on the web for a couple of quid.
What a difference the daylight bulbs make, these snaps show the difference. the greens and reds suddenly start to look right and the sky becomes much more vibrant. I haven't had time to fiddle with aperture to get really good pictures, but these shots are hinting at what is possible when the colour balance is right. The loco green looks much more as I envisaged it. The next job is to complete the front pelmet. Rather than leaving it till last I am going to get it painted and the sign writing applied. There seem to be a number of very good websites offering vinyl lettering at a reasonable price. The model is currently sitting in a corner of the living room so making it look tidy is important ! I am hoping to persuade my wife to make the front curtain, this will really set it off properly…..
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