My first bug box has come together nicely. The ends were easy to curve using a rolling pin. Hinges were aded using sections of wire. The MSM door handles caused the most problems as they are so delicate you can't file them without destroying them.
A true Ffestiniog train rake is now starting to emerge, brake van 12 will be next.
Having referred back to source material the prototype couplings were wagon style rather than chopper, and fixed. So the model isn't accurate in this respect. I have opened up a small square hole in the end which allows about 1mm swing either way. It also allows the height to be adjusted accurately at a later date.
The chassis is very free running. The floor has to sit slightly higher up than prototypical within the body however. I think the axle boxes should be within the box section. This is not practical if using pinpoint bearings but I don't think it will be apparent when the model is finished.
I have designed the model to have a removable chassis as well as roof. I thought the top edge of the etch would be rather flimsy, but with the second lamination in place it is really strong.
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